Sorry, there are no courses currently available online. Please call 0141 886 5459 or email us for booking details.

Climbzone houses one of the largest freestanding climbing walls in the UK. We have 23 ten meter high panels with over 70 different climbing routes of varying difficulty for all abilities. With courses and activities from age 3+ it provides an amazing adventure playground for anyone who likes a vertical challenge!

Climbing is not only great for developing strength & fitness, it also builds a general physical ability, boosts confidence and has a positive effect on mental health.

It’s an exciting and rewarding activity for all ages and abilities, so book a session at Climbzone today!

Other Climbing only sessions available are:

Try Climbing sessions – age 3+

1 hour climbing session – age 7+

1 hour induction to independent climbing – age 16+

Adult social climbing – age 16+


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Sorry, there are no courses currently available online. Please call 0141 886 5459 or email us for booking details.

Highlighted dates have courses availble on them.
