Sorry, there are no courses currently available online. Please call 0141 886 5459 or email us for booking details.

An hour long activity session which gives you the chance to experience our 11 metre high climbing walls and the 15 metre free fall “The Drop”

Your instructor will be on hand to get you Rock Climbing. You will be connected to an autobelay which will keep you safe as you conquer the wall and then gently lower you to the ground once you are ready to return to earth.

The Drop – The easy part is getting clipped in, once at the edge, it is up to you. Take a deep breath and step off, a 15 metre free fall drop to ground level, just before you reach the ground you are slowed to a gentle landing.

All our activities are run by our friendly and experienced instructors who will look after your safety whilst you enjoy the fun and excitement of Climbzone – the best indoor adventure park in the UK – so we have been told.


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Sorry, there are no courses currently available online. Please call 0141 886 5459 or email us for booking details.

Highlighted dates have courses availble on them.

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